Our Library Rules

  1. Library will be kept open on all days except Mondays between 11.00AM to 8.00PM

  2. The members are requested to bring the membership card during each visit to the library.

  3. The loss of membership card must be reported immediately to the Library and a fresh card shall be issued against a payment for the card printing charges.

  4. Change in member address, telephone numbers etc, are to be informed immediately to library.

  5. Members are requested to keep their bags in the respective place before entering to take books.

  6. Members are requested to check the condition of the books before borrowing the same and bring to the notice of the library on the damage etc., of the book immediately.

  7. Members are required to use the Library books with care. Marking, underlining, or annotating in books is not allowed.

  8. If the book were found damaged / spoiled/ worn out etc. at the time of returning, 85% cost of the book would be collected from the members.

  9. Members are allowed to borrow books strictly as mentioned in the tariff/plan. (No extra books are allowed for any reason)

  10. Members are not allowed to sub-lend the books borrowed from the library.

  11. Library books returned after the due date will attract late fee of Rs.1 per book, per day, Library may or may not notify such due/delays to the members, and it is purely the responsibility of the members to return the books on time. Any dues/late fees must be paid by member on demand.

  12. Members are not allowed to take at a stretch, the series of 'volume books' (only one book at a time)

  13. Members are allowed to browse for a period of 15 to 20min for taking books irrespective of their plan.

  14. Reading is allowed for the members under pro plan (4 hrs per month) and premium plan (8 hrs per month) only. (No reading hours for members under basic plan).

  15. Members can hold the books for a period of 15 days. In case if they want to extend, they have to renew/extend it either in person or over the phone for next 15 days only. There is no further extension of the books after 30 days.

  16. New arrivals or fast-moving books should be returned back on time as mentioned by the librarian/library.

  17. The library reserves the right to change the membership tariff/ rules etc. from time to time.

  18. In case member wants to cancel the membership due to any reason, refundable deposit will only be returned back and not the subscription amount, which is non-refundable.

  19. VGOMNI/OMNILB is our Registered Sender IDs. From which the Reminders, Renewals, New Books Arrivals, Member Details and other communications will be received through this Sender ID via SMS/Message.

  20. We kindly request the members to abide by the rules for our prompt service.